Mission, Vision and Values
“Engage, Empower and Inspire”
Our Mission
Together, we will prepare all our pupils for positive and fulfilling lives, as healthy and engaged individuals
Our Vision
As a result of inspirational teaching, personalised support, engagement and empowerment, our pupils will be able to make, communicate and act on safe, increasingly autonomous and informed choices and decisions, to enable them to live positive and fulfilling lives
Our Values
Ambition – we transform, innovate, inspire, challenge. We strive to provide our pupils and their families with the highest standard of teaching and learning, championing aspiration and ambition
Partnership – we collaborate, harness opportunities, engage, empower, share, and work in partnership with pupils, families, schools, organisations and businesses to remove barriers and create opportunity for success
Caring – we keep our pupils and school community safe so that they thrive and develop; we respect and celebrate the individuality and uniqueness with kindness to all our pupils and their families; we nurture, protect and support them on their journey with us as they prepare for life after school
Learning – we support and promote lifelong learning for all. We evolve our approach to the education and support of pupils, their families and staff through high quality research and innovative practice