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  • Support pupils and families to be ready for life after Brookfields.
  • Prepare and support pupils and families to be more aware of realistic opportunities for their young people when they leave school, so they can make informed decisions about next destinations.
  • Provide pupils with the opportunities to explore different work and college environments, where appropriate.
  • Provide onsite and offsite work experience placements, where appropriate.
  • Provide opportunities for all pupils to develop their independence, life and communication skills. 


The Careers Programme starts in Early Years, where pupils follow simple daily routines and are supported to transfer these skills to home. Through the Learn to Learn approach across their school career, pupils learn to look after themselves and be as independent as possible. Communication is a fundamental aspect of everything we do at Brookfields.

As pupils get older, the careers education is refined to meet the age, needs and interests and will look different for the cohorts. Some pupils will follow a programme where the emphasis is on key skills in preparation for transition to college, and then on to the world of work. Other pupils will apply Life Skills, Independence and Communication in a variety of contexts in readiness for the next destination which might be a college course, a Day Centre provision or other Social Care packages.

In our Secondary classes, pupils are introduced to practical careers lessons, learning about what jobs are available in the local job market, role playing different working scenarios and visiting different places of work. There remains a strong focus on individual needs and interests as well as independence, communication and life skills. For those pupils whose destinations may not be work related pupils continue to work on their life skills, independence and communication skills.

From Year 10 pupils will start to think more seriously about what’s next. Visits to Colleges and work places will be part of the curriculum. Discreet Way 2 Work lessons will start to focus more on what they like doing as well as work experience opportunities, which help give pupils ideas of what they like and do not like as well as highlighting jobs that they may not have thought of in the past.

Pupils whose next destination may not be work related continue to have opportunities to develop their communication, independence, life skills and self-occupying skills in readiness for the next stages in their lives. Teaching and Learning focuses on the individual needs of the pupils to provide the best possible opportunities for them when they leave Brookfields.

As pupils progress through the school their individual needs are assessed and as they approach 6th Form opportunities for work experience, volunteer work, life skills, cooking, independence, travel training and a more individualised programme of study helps shape their progression towards future destinations. Where appropriate, qualifications are offered such as GCSE Art, BTEC Cooking, Functional English and Maths at Entry Levels and Level 1.


Through individualised timetables and curriculums, pupils have had opportunities to access work experience both on and offsite. Important elements to experiencing work include travel training (independent and in small groups), developing life skills – home and community, and engaging in sensory opportunities to support self-regulation. Our curriculum includes lots of opportunities to explore the world around them. As a result, a large number of pupils successfully transition to college courses and some have gone on to secure employment.

Recent success stories:

  • One pupil has secured more hours at IKEA and is trained up on the tills to serve customers, something that he found very difficult previously.
  • One pupil accessed the Route 2 Recruit Internship Programme with Make Sense Theatre, completed his year course and now works for them.
  • Several pupils are on the Connect Course (PMLD) at Newbury College, all of whom successfully transitioned.
  • One pupil applied for the Level 1 Beauty Course and was successful in her application and has started it this year.
  • Several pupils attend the Our House (PMLD) part of Reading College, accessing a sensory-based course.

We are very proud to share that 4 former pupils have successfully secured employment at Brookfields in different roles, including lunchtime support, play worker, member of the site team and a TA.

You can find the school's Careers policy in the Policies section of the website.  The Provider Access Policy which accompanies the Careers policy is below.

You can also find the Careers in Berkshire Local Labour market information in the link below.