Pupils up to the age of 16 are required to wear a school uniform at Brookfields School.
White polo shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt or royal blue cardigan for PRIMARY
Black sweatshirt for SECONDARY
Grey/black skirt or trousers or grey pinafore dress
Grey/black shorts or sort (summer only)
Blue and white check dress (summer only)
Grey/black/white socks
Grey or black tights
Black shoes
White polo shirt
Royal blue sweatshirt PRIMARY
Black sweatshirt SECONDARY
Grey or black trousers/shorts
Grey or black socks
Black shoes
The white polo shirt and sweatshirt, both of which are available with or without the school logo, can be ordered online on the Price and Buckland website.

All other uniform items can be purchased at reasonable prices from large supermarkets or department stores. Items displaying the Brookfields School logo are optional for Primary School pupils and Secondary School students.
6th Form students can wear their own smart but casual clothes.
If your child has their ears pierced they may wear stud earrings to school, these would need to be removed for PE.
Some pupils in the Primary School may require a toothbrush and toothpaste. You will be advised about this by your child’s class teacher.
Some second-hand uniform is available. If you would like more information, please contact the school office.
PE Kit
Your child’s PE kit should be a complete change from their school uniform. No jewellery/watches can be worn during PE.
Primary School
Where appropriate, pupils will need a PE kit of shorts (blue or black), t-shirt (blue, black or white) and plimsolls.
Pupils will also need a swimming kit: swimming trunks/shorts or swimming costume, a towel and swim nappies if required.
Secondary School
Where appropriate, pupils will need a PE kit of shorts (blue or black), t-shirt (blue, black or white), tracksuit bottoms (blue or black), trainers and sports top.
Pupils will also need a swimming kit: swimming trunks/shorts or swimming costume and a towel.
All uniform, PE and swimming kit should be clearly named.