Religious Education
The main aim of Religious Education is to encourage respect for all beliefs and cultures as well as helping to promote the pupils' spiritual, moral, physical and cultural development. The syllabus and work in school is based on aspects of The Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (Pan-Berkshire 2018-23), which is adapted to meet the needs of the students within the school. The teaching of RE should also help pupils to learn about religion as well as learning from religion.
The teaching of RE is a legal requirement under the Education Act (1996) which requires that:
RE should be taught to all pupils in full-time education in school except for those pupils withdrawn at the request of their parents or carers.
What is the Purpose and Aim of RE in Schools?
The purpose of RE is to promote religious literacy. Religious literacy requires pupils to gain knowledge and understanding of a range of religions and worldviews and to use that knowledge to engage in informed and balanced conversations about religions and beliefs. In addition to learning about religions and worldviews, Religious Education offers students the chance to develop spiritually, morally, socially and culturally and to reflect on their own beliefs, being able to be discerning about the many attitudes and opinions they will encounter.
The non-statutory 2013 National Curriculum Framework for RE states that pupils should:
- Know about and understand a range of religions and worldviews
- Express ideas and insights about the nature, significance and impact of religions and worldviews
- Gain and deploy the skills needed to engage seriously with religions and worldviews.
To achieve these aims, Religious Education provokes challenging questions about meaning, purpose, beliefs about God, issues of right and wrong and what it means to be human. RE plays an important role in preparing pupils for life in the modern world, and should enable them to flourish as citizens in a pluralistic, global society.
The importance of RE at Brookfields
- RE should develop the pupil's knowledge, understanding and awareness of Christianity, the other principal religions and their traditions.
- RE should enhance pupils' awareness and understanding of religious beliefs, teachings, and practices, forms of expression, family life, communities and cultures.
- RE should offer opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development.
- RE should encourage pupils to learn from different religious beliefs, values and traditions.
- RE encourages pupils to develop a sense of belonging and identity.
- RE enables pupils to flourish within their communities as well as individually as citizens in a multicultural, pluralistic and global society.
- RE is important in preparing pupils for adult life, employment and lifelong learning
- RE helps students to show respect, kindness, tolerance towards others, including animals and wildlife.
- RE enables pupils to become more aware of ethical and moral issues within the community and society as a whole.
- RE is also important in helping our students to express their feelings, thoughts and in helping them to make choices and decisions. The pupils in Early Years and in Key stage 1 and 2, the curriculum is presented throughout the day, through play and daily routines with opportunities for 1:1 and group work which takes full account of personal, social and emotional development.
Pupils within Key Stage 3 now follow a cross curricula syllabus, in which all foundation and core subjects are based on particular themes which change each term. Religious Education is incorporated within those themes, under the heading, ‘Knowledge & Understanding’ along with Science.
Most pupils within both Key Stages 3 and 4 are timetabled for 1 lesson a week, with the exception of pupils from the PMLD/Complex needs classes for whom the curriculum is presented through daily routines, with opportunities for 1:1 and group work, taking account of the pupils' personal, emotional and social development. For all pupils there are opportunities through themed days and for students to participate in activities celebrating the major religious festivals throughout the year.
For the students in 6th Form the subject is covered through planned themes relating to the major religious festivals and is linked to accredited courses, e.g. personal progress and Bronze Award under 'Beliefs & Values'.